답장: Dear my alumni > 자유게시판


작성자 (中)
댓글 0건 조회 400회 작성일 2003-08-07 00:00
답장: Dear my alumni


good boy!!! 
i fully understand your situation because i used have same problem from 1983 to 1989 in the states.
surely, every single "the great jungang guys" should have your heart.
thanx for your wrting.
the general secretary of the alumni association.
유정열 드림


: Fisrt of all, I apologize for writing this in english. I have been in USA for three years for study and my computer doesn't allow me to use Korean, although I can read Korean.
: My name is Jinwon Park who graduated from Great ChoongAng Highschool with 85th. I am sure that everything is well with you.
: Now, it is the time for our BongHwang-Ki. I would like to ask you to increase our score in cheer's bulletin board.
: Here is the webaddress.
: http://news.hankooki.com/bonghwang/community/bonghwang_board.php?page=1&keysearch=&keyword=
: Although you are busy, please increase ranking of Choong-Ang High school, which is the best highschool in ther world.
: Thank you.
: Sincerely,
: 85 Park, Jinwon 



자유게시판 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
11305 (中) 2003-08-14 334
11304 (中) 2003-08-14 404
11303 (中) 2003-08-14 334
11302 (中) 2003-08-13 330
11301 (中) 2003-08-13 480
11300 (中) 2003-08-13 360
11299 (中) 2003-08-13 369
11298 (中) 2003-08-12 527
11297 (中) 2003-08-11 427
11296 (中) 2003-08-11 300
11295 (中) 2003-08-11 415
11294 (中) 2003-08-10 440
11293 (中) 2003-08-10 473
11292 (中) 2003-08-10 438
11291 (中) 2003-08-09 404
이겼습니다 댓글+ 2
(中) 2003-08-09 515
11289 (中) 2003-08-08 448
11288 (中) 2003-08-08 408
열람중 (中) 2003-08-07 401
11286 (中) 2003-08-07 432

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