Touche > 자유게시판


작성자 (中)
댓글 0건 조회 321회 작성일 2002-12-04 00:00


Playwright George Bernard Shaw once wrote to Winston Churchill : Dear Mr. Churchill : Enclosed are two tickets to my new play,which opens Thursday night.Please come and bring a friend, if you have one. Churchill sent back the following reply: Dear Mr. Shaw : I'm sorry but I have a previous engagement and will not be able to attend your opening. However, I will come to the second performance, if there is one.



자유게시판 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
10446 (中) 2002-12-04 374
10445 (中) 2002-12-04 305
10444 (中) 2002-12-04 289
10443 (中) 2002-12-04 298
열람중 (中) 2002-12-04 322
10441 (中) 2002-12-02 357
10440 (中) 2002-12-02 319
10439 (中) 2002-12-02 279
10438 (中) 2002-12-01 289
10437 (中) 2002-11-30 316
10436 (中) 2002-11-30 305
10435 (中) 2002-11-28 331
10434 (中) 2002-11-28 364
10433 (中) 2002-11-28 365
10432 (中) 2002-11-28 369
10431 (中) 2002-11-27 334
10430 (中) 2002-11-27 344
10429 (中) 2002-11-27 311
10428 (中) 2002-11-26 367
10427 (中) 2002-11-26 280

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